Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences is Accepting Applications for Graduate Programs for Fall 2016-2017 Semester

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences is accepting International Student Applications to Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Degree programs for 2016-2017 Fall Semester. 

There is no limitation of quota for  International Students who are applying to Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Applications of candidate students will be evaluated by departments and final decisions will be given and announced by the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Scienes. Therefore it is highly recommended to follow the updates on our  Intenational Internet page (

The link for online preregistration system to apply will be active and accessable between August 01-05, 2016 on the internet pages of the University and the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences . The general official announcement including required documenst to apply and the quotas for corresponding departments  for Graduate School Applications is available at the current link.


ATTENTION; According to the ''Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University International Student Admission, Application and Registration Guidelines metter 9/3'' diplomas awarded from a foreign institution must be recognized by Higher Educational Council (YÖK) in Turkey. Therefore, the applications of students who do not posses a document confirming this will be accepted only with the presence of a petition which is  required to be prepared as in te example below.


Last Update : 01.08.2016 09:55:58 Number of Views : 1386